How to Prevent Diabetes with the Right Information
People who don't have diabetes think that their health is ok. But the way so many people eat, they way they live, and the thoughts they think, puts them at risk for this disease. Eating a diet high in processed foods, high sugar, high in salt, high in fat, and simple carbohydrates increases your chances of Type II Diabetes and especially if you are overweight. Other risk factors for Type II Diabetes are elevated triglyceride, low HDL, and high blood pressure. With the right diabetes information you can prevent diabetes.
It is best to practice diabetes prevention. Here is a start. There are two natural remedies that you can use to reduce your chances of becoming diabetic. One is a mineral and the other is a spice.
First always make sure you are getting magnesium in your food or as a supplement. In a study done by Brigham, 11,000 women were tested for the risk factors discussed above showed that those women that took high levels of magnesium show less diabetic risk factors by 27%. Other long-term studies have also shown the same results.
So you might ask why does magnesium lower diabetic risk factors? Researchers have suggested that magnesium reduces blood pressure, relaxes heart muscles, and controls homocysteine, which is associated with cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Since magnesium is a mineral, It also helps to neutralize toxic material found outside cells in the lymph. This helps cells to function better.
To get more magnesium in your diet eat dark green leafy lettuce, avocados, nuts, and wholes grains. As a supplement, use magnesium gluconate and chelated magnesium 500 mg per day. It is always best to take magnesium with calcium and vitamin D.
Second there is the spice cinnamon. Cinnamon and diabetes has been discussed in a lot of health newsletters. Here is the story on Cinnamon diabetes. There is an extract from cinnamon called Cinnulin PF. This extract works on the cellular level by making the insulin cell receptors more sensitive to insulin by 300%. So why is this important? Well, in diabetes, if the pancreas does not produce enough insulin then not enough insulin cell doors are open so plenty of sugar can go into the cells to lower the blood sugar levels.
In some diabetic cases, the cells become resistant to insulin and don't allow insulin to open cell doors for sugar to enter. This is where Cinnulin PF from cinnamon comes in and makes cells more receptive to insulin.
In one of my other articles, I wrote about a natural product for diabetes called Glucotor 1. Now there is Glucotor 2. Some of the herbs in Glucotor 2 are prickly pear cactus, gymnema sylvestre, fenugreek, cinnulin PF banaba and bitter melon. With the addition of cinnulin PF to Glucotor 2, it is now more powerful than the previous formulation. This product has a good history of lowering blood sugar levels and has many real life testimonials. Using this natural diabetes information you can prevent creating diabetes.
Adding magnesium, cinnulin PF, or Glucotor 2 to your diet will lower your blood sugar levels. It will also provide you with benefits for improving your cardiovascular system. You can supplement with magnesium and with cinnulin PF, which is available as a single extract but if you can find it combines with other herbs, like in Glucotor 2, it will work better in your body.