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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Learn the Benefits of Blackseed Oil, But Avoid Cheap Nigella Sativa Oil

The health benefits of blackseed oil may be numerous, but cheap nigella sativa oil is probably a waste of money. Nigella sativa is the botanical name for the spice that has been used since ancient times to flavor food and for medicinal purposes.

Its common names are many, including black cumin seed, kolonji, kezah, chamushka, corek otu, seeds of blessing, fennel flower, black caraway, black onion seed and others, indicating its widespread use throughout Asia, Africa and Europe. According to the book of prophetic medicine, we should “hold onto the use of the black seeds for in it is healing for all diseases except death.”

Researchers have evaluated the benefits of blackseed oil in the treatment of many medical conditions, including cancer, arthritis, diabetes, liver damage, parasitic infections, bacterial infections, viral infections, asthma and other respiratory illnesses. It was used historically as a pain reliever and modern research has supported this use, though the mechanism of action is unclear.

It is understandable that people would look for cheap nigella sativa oil, since the seeds are valuable and fetch a good price on the market. The problem with purchasing cheap nigella sativa oil is that the average person has no way of knowing what he is getting. Even as a food flavoring, cheap nigella sativa oil can be disappointing. If used as a health supplement, it could be a waste of money or even dangerous, particularly if a person is relying on the oil for the treatment or prevention of a disease.

Genuine nigella sativa is cultivated in France, Germany, Saudi Arabia, northern Africa, India and other parts of Asia. It grows wild on the Mediterranean coast in Egypt and in some parts of Turkey and the Balkans. Mainly because of the many health benefits of blackseed oil, it is a valuable commodity and not found in discount stores.

Cheap nigella sativa oil may contain additives including common vegetable or olive oils. They can be made from other species of Nigella, some of which are poisonous. The seeds are similar looking to onion seed and black sesame. Even black cumin seed, which is one of the common Nigella names, is actually a different spice. Because of the many common names, some of which are shared by other spices, it is important to look for the botanical name, “Nigella sativa” and buy from a trustworthy manufacturer that specializes in health supplements.

Benefits of Blackseed Oil in Type II Diabetes

Type II diabetes is one of the most common metabolic disorders in the world. The use of traditional botanical and herbal supplements among those who have the condition and those who are at risk is increasing, according to surveys conducted in several countries.

Researchers are currently evaluating the benefits of blackseed oil and other “folk” remedies in the treatment of type II diabetes for two main reasons. One reason is to insure that patients who use these alternative medicines are not at risk of detrimental side effects. The other is to evaluate the effectiveness of alternative remedies, since available pharmaceutical options are limited, have unwanted side effects and are ineffective in the long term.

Research on the benefits of blackseed oil is considered preliminary, as studies are being done using animal models, but the results are promising. It has been shown that an extract from nigella sativa seeds can reduce elevated blood sugar levels and the antioxidant activity of the extract may prevent the complications associated with uncontrolled type II diabetes.

Diabetes - Understanding the Disease and How You Can Prevent It

Diabetes is a disorder that affects the metabolic status of the body with regard to glucose blood sugar levels. When these levels are high, the body begins to respond in a negative manner, causing fatigue, headaches and overall changes that cause pain, disorientation and sickness. Since insulin is the hormone that breaks down glucose, diabetes involves the body’s inability to properly utilize or produce enough insulin. It is very important to treat diabetes in its early stages because ignoring the symptoms can lead to complications, such as blindness and limb amputation.

Cause & Trend

Due to an increasingly unhealthy way of life, more and more people residing in the United States are dealing with a disease known to spiral into a life-threatening condition. Many individuals will suffer from the symptoms of diabetes throughout the year and won’t even know it. One of the scariest trends regarding this medical menace is that it now strikes a considerable number of children at a young age. About 5% to 10% of all diabetic cases will exhibit Type 1 characteristics, whereas the most common and difficult form to deal with pertaining to the disease is Type 2.


The main symptoms regarding Type 1 diabetes may develop over the course of a few days to weeks. Increased thirst, weight loss and increased urination are just some of the common signs. It is not uncommon to see people ignore Type 1 diabetes symptoms because it is rather hard to identify the signs as needing medical attention.

With Type 2 diabetes symptoms, one may feel thirsty, frequently urinate, display an increased appetite, feel very tired, appear irritable and lose weight without trying. More serious signs of Type 2 diabetes include blurred vision, increased number of infections, numbness in hands or feet, as well as slow-healing wounds.

Treatment Options

Both types of diabetes call for a different course of action. Type 1 diabetes requires a lifelong commitment to treatment, as keeping blood sugar levels within an acceptable range will decrease the threat of developing life-threatening complications. Insulin injections or an insulin pump are used alongside a home blood-monitoring meter. Eating a balanced diet throughout the day and paying close attention to carbohydrates is also important. Regular exercise and medical checkups are also a must.

Type 2 diabetes is a bit easier to swallow in terms of treatment options. Blood glucose levels can be controlled through sticking to a healthy meal and exercise program, as well as shedding extra pounds. Oral medication, such as Glucophage, helps to establish a balance of glucose in the body.

Prevention Tips

While there is no way to cheat the onset of Type 1 diabetes, there are a handful of ways to make sure Type 2 diabetes is less likely to strike. Individuals who significantly lower their chances for the disease are those who follow a healthier path in life. The following is suggested: maintaining a healthy weight, exercise regularly and eating healthy foods. For some, avoiding diabetes is quite hard, since heredity poses a strong threat. The best way to deal with the situation is to follow prevention tips and control the disease if you should notice the signs and symptoms.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Ebay Etail Solution Explained

For an explanation of ebay etail solution we must first find out where the term Ebay etail solution came from.

The basic explanation is that Ebay etail solution is a search term which is used by people who are selling on ebay. They are looking for items to sell on Ebay, hence the search term "etail", (as opposed to the High Street shopping term "retail". This in turn would offer them a "solution" to the problem of what to sell, which is why they were looking in the first place.

I know you think it fairly unbelievable that a substantial number of people all started searching on Google for the term "Ebay etail solution". What happens here is that maybe a few hundred Ebay sellers used the term initially (remember there are millions of sellers out there), and this brought the term Ebay etail solution into the ranks of minor keyword research tools, these are Software tools that are used by Web masters to research keyword terms for their sites. I don't want to get off the subject here but to explain fully I must give a short explanation about keyword research for you to fully understand how this search term came about. Web masters use Software tools to find attractive keywords for their sites. Keywords are the search terms or phrases that people use when they are searching for something on the Internet. The Software that Web masters use also provides other data for them, notably.

1 The number of searches per day for any given phrase.
2 The number of competing Web site pages for that phrase.

So we have a reason here why the search term "Ebay etail solution" started picking up in popularity. Maybe a couple of dozen Guys and Gals selling on Ebay wanted to find something they could buy and resell. They enter the term "Ebay etail solution" into their browser search window and find nothing. (because there are no pages with this search term in them). Keyword Software used by Web masters picks up the search term they used "Ebay etail solution" and the fact that there are no competing pages for that term. The Web masters immediately write the term into their pages (or a page) and together with a few theme words and something they think will appeal to the Ebay sellers. Publish the page(s) and the very next day they will be making sales to people who use that search term. It really is that simple. Why? Because the following day the Ebay sellers who use the term "Ebay etail solution" will be presented with that Web masters page(s) to click on and investigate. The Web master will make sales. The search term "Ebay etail solution" has now started and will grow and grow until the number of competing pages increases substantially and it no longer looks like an attractive proposition for Web masters.

But hey, by that time we will have another search term to optimise.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Type 2 Diabetes - A Natural Cure through Simple Diet Changes

Type 2 Diabetes affects millions of people worldwide and is increasing and this is due to people becoming unhealthier than ever due to modern living - yet millions of people can cure themselves with simple diet changes. Let’s look at type 2 diabetes and in more detail the causes and natural ways to cure it.

What is it?

Type 2 diabetes is caused by the body becoming resistant to the hormone insulin – this causes a rise in glucose levels in the blood. People at risk tend to people who are overweight or generally lead unhealthy lifestyles.

The condition leads to serious health problems that include:

Heat attacks, kidney damage, blood vessel damage and blindness Drugs can cure the problem but if they fail to work then the patient needs to inject the hormone directly to the body.

Cure and prevention

There is increasing evidence that the type 2 diabetes can be reversed and prevented, by following a balanced low glycaemic diet and following a healthy lifestyle.

A diet that has shown to be effective is the Mediterranean diet which is generally seen as one of the healthiest in the world.

Why is it so effective?

It is based on food naturally from the earth (i.e. not processed) and includes an abundance of fresh, fruit, vegetables and whole grains.

It also contains a lot of healthy fats derived from fish and olive oil.

One of the above diet in terms of type 2 diabetes, is that it has a low glycaemic load.

The above means that carbohydrates don’t raise blood sugar levels in the way that processed foods do.

The diet therefore will correct obesity and keeps blood sugar levels in check, by helping to lose weight naturally, making insulin more effectively.

There is an ongoing debate over the effectiveness of the above diet, due to the fact that it contains more fat than many other diets.

Is fat the real enemy?

Fat is not the enemy that many people think it is in terms of combating type 2 diabetes.

Many see fat as a cause of diabetes – however the fats contained in the Mediterranean diet are “healthy fats” that the body needs. We are all for all example aware, of the benefits of the fats in oily fish – a major component of the Med Diet.

An Easy Diet to Follow

It is incredibly hard for many people and also unhealthy to follow a diet without fat and the med diet overcomes this problem by providing a healthy diet with healthy fats that is easy to follow.

Type 2 diabetes is so common due to unhealthy living and diet and it therefore makes sense to look at this area first in terms of making oneself healthy.

A Diet to Prevent and Reverse

The above provides a balanced, healthy diet, that is easy to follow and provides the right balance of all food groups in a healthy manner.

It is no coincidence that, type 2 diabetes numbers have soared in recent years, the people it affects tend to be:

Overweight, consume bad fats and have a high consumption of processed foods.

Think About it

By cutting the above foods out and eating a healthy, natural balanced diet can help not only prevent, but cure type 2 diabetes in many cases.

While there is still much debate about the above (and any diet you undertake should be done in consultation with your doctor) the above argument for a change to a med style diet makes total and logical sense.

Early Symptoms of Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a disease affecting 20 million Americans at present and the incidence of adult onset diabetes continues to rise. Simply stated, diabetes is the inability of the body to either make or use insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced by the body to assist in the breakdown of sugars in the food to become fuel for the body. Before food can be utilized, it must be broken down by the hormones produced in the pancreas and liver into sugars. When the body doesn’t accomplish its assigned task of producing or utilizing insulin, the blood stream and the urine become full of the sugar molecules called glucose.

The cells cannot use the glucose in this form, so they are starved for fuel and in the meantime the blood is thickened by the glucose. The blood sugar counts may be either too high or not high enough. Although diabetes may creep up on a person gradually, there are some early signs of diabetes which will help you begin an active containment program of the disease. Although diabetes is not curable at present, the disease can be monitored and controlled by the patient who takes an active role the treatment.

The most common of the early symptoms of diabetes is excessive thirst. Because the glucose in the blood captures the moisture in the cells, the body interprets the condition as dehydration and sends the third signal to the brain. You’ll also find early symptoms of diabetes reflected in the frequent urination. Because the person with diabetes is drinking more, and the cells are not absorbing the water because the glucose is moving it through the blood stream to the kidneys and bladder, frequent urination is common.

Fatigue is another of the common early symptoms of diabetes. Because the cells of the muscles are not getting the fuel they need on which to run, the brain interprets the condition as fatigue. In addition to fatigue caused by lack of the energy sources the body needs, the thirst and frequent urination during the night means that the sleep which is received is not the deep and restful sleep required for healthy bodies.

Flu-like symptoms such as headaches, muscle aches and pains are all part of the symptoms of diabetes. The dehydrated cells throughout the body are demanding nourishment, the blood is sluggish with unmetabolized glucose, and the brain, liver and pancreas are not being healed. Is it any wonder the brain recognizes the sensations as being the same as the flu? Headaches and muscles aches and pains cause the sleep patterns to be even more disrupted, and it’s a vicious circle.

Frightening vision problems are part of the onset of diabetes. The dehydrated condition of cells in the eye can mean heavy blurring of vision. Worsening early symptoms of diabetes means a potential for blindness. During the course of diabetes, the body may form new blood cells over the retina. This will cause permanent loss of the eyesight.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Diabetic Diet - Half A Million American Diabetics Risk Critical Illness In A Bid To Be Thin

A frightening eating disorder is sweeping the diabetic population according to recent medical reports. Coined Diabulimia, this is a psychological condition affecting an estimated one third of diabetic women, including nearly half a million women in the US. These women, who need to take insulin regularly to survive, are skipping insulin injections in an attempt to lose weight.

Determining the exact number of women affected is tricky as most diabulimics are unlikely to admit to skipping insulin injections whilst they are actually in the habit of doing so, but it is clear that this is a growing phenomenon.

Many people believe word is spreading via internet message boards and chat rooms, where existing diabulimics are encouraging more and more women to lose weight by not taking their required insulin doses. Although the practise of losing weight by skipping insulin injections in not a new one, it seems to have grown out of control with the advent of the internet.

- So how does missing insulin shots result in weight loss?

Skipping insulin injections can cause diabetics to lose weight rapidly in a number of ways:

a. They are not getting any calories from the food they are consuming as there is no insulin to break down sugars and transport them to the body’s cells.
b. Very high blood sugar levels can cause muscle breakdown resulting in weight loss.
c. Excessive urinating caused by high blood sugar could result in dehydration which also leads to weight loss.

- The risks for diabulimics are extremely high

For a diabetic who is dependant on insulin shots, missing their medication can be extremely dangerous. The risks range from kidney and heart disease, to nerve damage resulting in blindness or amputations. Missing vital insulin injections can ultimately increase the risk of a coma and even death.

Matt Hunt, Science Information Manager from the research charity Diabetes UK made the following statement:

“This eating disorder is extremely dangerous. Blood glucose that is too high for too long can cause serious complications, with diabetes being the leading cause of blindness amongst the working population in this country. Cardiovascular disease can also result from long periods of insulin abuse as well as kidney disease and nerve damage.”

- Do you think someone you know may be diabulimic?

If someone you know is skipping insulin injections in order to lose weight you may notice the following symptoms.

1. They have low energy levels and excess fatigue
2. They are going to the toilet more frequently than usual
3. They are eating more than usual but still losing weight

Always encourage someone that you know is skipping insulin injections to get professional help. This is a psychological disorder, and although it may seem illogical to you to risk serious health issues just to be slim, it may not seem that way to the diabulimic.

- Balancing the fear of being fat against the fear of critical illness

Those suffering from Diabulimia are often aware of the potential damage they could do by skipping their insulin, but their worries about this are far outweighed by their fear of being fat. The weight loss that results from missing insulin shots is almost immediate and visible, the damage being done to the body is less obvious, occurs more gradually, and is easier to ignore.

Many people suffering from this disorder start small, perhaps missing just a couple of injections to fit into a particular dress for a big night out. Before they know it they may be missing most of their shots, taking just enough stay alive. They reason that they will begin to take their medication again once they are thin enough, but somehow, no matter how much weight they lose, they never believe they are thin enough.

Although gradual weight loss can be very positive for overweight diabetics, enabling them to control their blood sugar more effectively, missing insulin shots is never a good way to lose weight. Although ‘diabulimia’ is not currently an officially recognized medical condition, it is as serious an eating disorder as anorexia or bulimia and it affects a frighteningly large number of diabetic women.

Diabetes Type 2 - Eating Cinnamon Can Control Your Type 2 Diabetes

Studies show that including cinnamon in your type 2 diabetes diet could significantly lower your blood sugar level, helping you to control your condition. In a world where this disease is an ever increasing problem, many people are seeking natural remedies to help them control their type 2 diabetes. Diet changes and supplements play a major role in this process.

- Cinnamon Reduces Blood Sugar in a Number of Ways

Cinnamon reduces blood sugar in three ways. Firstly it stimulates insulin production, secondly it increases the effectiveness of insulin receptors, and finally, as recent studies show, it slows the emptying of the stomach after eating. When the stomach empties quickly after a meal, this causes a rapid rise in blood sugar level, so slowing this process can help type 2 diabetics to control their condition.

- Should Cinnamon Buns Feature In My Type 2 Diabetes Diet?

The effects of cinnamon on blood sugar were discovered by accident at the Maryland Human Nutrition Research Centre of the US Department of Agriculture. When routine tests into the effects of certain foods came up with the surprising result that apple pie lowered blood sugar, some further investigation was needed. They quickly discovered that cinnamon was the active ingredient which caused the decrease in blood sugar level.

This does not mean that cinnamon buns, cakes and apple pie should become a regular part of type 2 diabetes diets. The amount of sugar and fat found in these delicacies will outweigh the positive effects of the cinnamon. Instead include cinnamon in your diabetes diets by adding it to the healthy foods you eat.

Cinnamon can easily be added to wholemeal toast, low fat bagels and cereals. Some people even find soaking a cinnamon stick in their tea can have an impact on their blood sugar.

- Studies Show a 20% Decrease in Blood Sugar Levels

The original studies into the impact of including cinnamon in diabetes diets took place in Pakistan. Two groups of type 2 diabetics were monitored, with one group taking 6g capsules of cinnamon after eating, and the other group taking a placebo. The group taking cinnamon experienced a 20% reduction in blood sugar level compared with the control group. Their blood sugar levels began to creep up again as soon as the study was over and they stopped taking the cinnamon.

More recent research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, compares two groups of healthy volunteers. Both groups ate 300g of rice pudding a day, but one group added 6g of cinnamon to theirs. Their blood sugars were measured two hours after eating, and the rate at which their stomachs emptied was measured using ultrasonography.

The group that ate plain rice pudding had significantly higher blood sugar than the group that ate cinnamon, and their stomachs emptied much quicker which contributed to the high blood sugar levels. The group that ate cinnamon experienced significantly slower stomach emptying as well as lower blood sugar.

- Limits to the Effectiveness of Cinnamon

For cinnamon to be really effective as part of a type 2 diabetes diet, you need to eat large quantities which may have an impact on your liver over time. It is not recommended for pregnant women and should not be used to treat gestational diabetes. Because cinnamon works to increase the effectiveness of insulin, it cannot be used to treat type 1 diabetes, where no insulin is produced in the first place.

Cinnamon can be an effective addition to type 2 diabetes diets, and when used long term it can help to control blood sugar levels. It can also be used to lower cholesterol, to treat nausea and vomiting, and to prevent colds and gastrointestinal spasms. Although it is effective at lowering blood sugar, it should not replace a healthy and varied diet, regular exercise, and professional medical advice

It is Possible to Have Blood Sugar Levels Within Normal Ranges, Even as a Diabetic

What blood sugar levels can be considered normal? Your blood sugar level should be between 70 milligrams per deciliter to 100 mg/dl after 8 hours of not eating. A blood sugar level above 100 mg/dL at any time may indicate that a pre-diabetes condition is present.

If your level falls between 100 and 199, this indicates prediabetes. Diabetes (either type 1 or type 2) is likely present if your blood sugar level exceeds 200.

You can lower your blood sugar in several steps. If you want to have more normal blood sugar levels, the following suggestions can help.

A. Start by slowly decreasing the amount of carbohydrates you consume. If you are wondering which specific foods to eat and which to avoid, I highly suggest the diet of Dr. Richard Bernstein. He has completed much sophisticated testing and removed all foods with an untraceable composition. Ingredients that cannot be tracked cannot be effectively managed. Some yummy meals low in carbohydrates may be found on our diabetic recipes page. Consistent insulin levels may be achieved by having the same amount of carbohydrates each day.

B. Your blood sugar needs more frequent testing. You should test your blood sugar levels roughly 5-10 times per day. Regular readings of one's blood sugar are required to determine if one has the proper insulin dosage, even though it's tough on the fingers. The A1C test is a vital indication of your blood sugar level. Blood sugar levels, which should be less than 6%, can be revealed easily with this test

C. One must closely monitor the degree to which, and the amount of time required for, your insulin to be effective. For example, Isabel gets about 2 units of Regular Humalin insulin before meals. Humalin requires about 40 minutes before becoming effective; one should therefore not eat immediately after taking it. Humalog, on the other hand, should only be administered five minutes before eating because it is a faster-acting insulin. You can consult your doctor or find out by yourself how much time it takes for your medicine to start working before enjoying a meal.

D. Making sure you eat 3 nutritious meals a day, and avoiding between-meal snacking, can make regulating your insulin levels less difficult a chore. You need to break your habit of snacking--it's not as hard as you may think.

Complications from both types of diabetes are strongly correlated with poor management of blood sugar levels. Therefore, keeping one's blood sugar level in the normal range eliminates most of the risk of complications from diabetes.

Normal blood sugar ranges from 70 to 100 for a non-diabetic. This level of blood sugar should be achievable for anyone, whether diabetes is present or not.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Huckleberry Promotes Vasodilation for Better Peripheral Circulation

What is huckleberry?
Huckleberry is also known as bilberry. This delicious fruit is of the plant called huckleberry, found in the North American and European continents. It's a shrub that grows to only 16 inches tall and the berries are usually less than 5 mm in diameter and contain ten large seeds. These berries differ in color from bright red, to dark purple, then to blues. When harvested in the summertime, its taste ranges from tart to sweet, similar to blueberries.

Cultures have known for centuries that food grown in the wild provide enormous medicinal benefits. Particularly beneficial are the berries high in flavanoids. Flavanoids are high in antioxidant properties. Also found are metabolic properties. Wild foods also provide high amounts of phytonutrients.

These valuable benefits are not found in our foods. To achieve maximum health from these types of food, you must purposely seek and include them in your supplementation.

Huckleberry promotes vasodilation for better peripheral circulation.
Huckleberry amazingly improves vasodilation. Vasodilation is a process when the blood vessels become wider following the relaxation of the smooth muscle in the vessel wall. This will reduce blood pressure - since there is more room for the blood.

What causes peripheral circulation?
Blood flow in peripheral blood vessels cause trouble by hardening of the blood vessels. This lowers the blood pressure, bringing about peripheral circulation insufficiency.

In what ways can huckleberry help?
Huckleberry drastically improves blood sugar.

Huckleberry remarkably improves circulation.

Huckleberry promotes vasodilation for better peripheral circulation.

Huckleberry has been shown in clinical studies to promote eye health specifically caused by diabetes.

Huckleberry prevents and treats chronic venous insufficiency.

Huckleberry has recently been noted to positively affect blood vessels.

Huckleberry acts as a laxative to treat diarrhea naturally.

Huckleberry promotes insulin production.

Huckleberry improves the digestive system functions.

Huckleberry treats urinary tract infections.

Huckleberry fights infections.

Huckleberry controls cholesterol levels.

Huckleberry can be used as a non-harmful stimulant.

Huckleberry can be used as a mouth wash to treat infections.

Huckleberry tea, when used regularly, eases symptoms of glycosuria (glucose is excreted through the urine) and hyperglycemia (excessive amounts of urine circulates in the blood plasma).

Huckleberry is used to fight the onset of diabetes mellitus.

Huckleberry is an excellent source of vitamins A, B3, C, D, and E.

Huckleberry provides more antioxidants than 20 glasses of apple juice.

Huckleberry is low in calories and sodium, and is fat- and cholesterol-free.

Who can take huckleberry?
Because it's a natural ingredient, anyone who wants to have a healthier body can take huckleberry.

I still need a little help! No problem. I have the perfect solution for you. Diamaxol is an all-natural supplement, which includes huckleberry, formulated specially for diabetics' needs.

What are you waiting for? Adding this simple, but effective, ingredient will help get you back on the road back to wellness so you can start living again.

A Look At Natural Cures For Type 1 Diabetes

Are there natural cures for type 1 diabetes? Many people seem to think so, judging by the number of products and books for sale. The fact is that there are herbs, botanicals, minerals and common vitamins that help the body naturally control blood sugar levels. Whether or not these products should be advertised as natural cures for type 1 diabetes is the subject of some debate.

Opponents of natural cures for type 1 diabetes and other diseases believe that manufacturers and authors target people suffering from chronic diseases, offering hope where there is none and sometimes causing the delay of conventional or proven treatments. Some proponents claim that the federal government, pharmaceutical companies and even the American Medical Association suppress information about natural remedies. Then, there are people like me.

As a compassionate health care professional, I was constantly overwhelmed by the suffering that I saw on a daily basis. As a patient, I was frustrated with the “there’s a pill for everything” approach. As a writer, I am committed to providing accurate understandable information, without the hype. Nothing written here is meant to take the place of your doctor’s advice. You should never discontinue a prescribed treatment, without first consulting your doctor.

That being said, it is possible and wise to take responsibility for you own health and well being. The problems that plague the medical community have much to do with the search for quick fixes and instant cures. It takes time to heal your body, sometimes, depending on the condition, a lot of time. It also takes effort.

Doctors typically suggest weight loss, healthy diet and physical activity, but when a person is plagued with fatigue and feels depressed, they may not be able to follow those suggestions. The factor that is most commonly overlooked is nutrition.

Guidelines for “adequate” nutrition are commonly quoted and major health organizations feel that “malnutrition” is rare in developed countries. Excellent nutrition, on the other hand, seems to prevent chronic diseases and definitely provides the energy that people need to make the effort to change their lifestyles. There are many documented cases concerning people who have lived years beyond their medical doctor’s expectations by using alternative treatment plans, changing their lifestyles and increasing intake of specific nutrients, depending on the condition from which they suffered.

There are specific nutrients that should be present in products advertised as natural cures for type 1 diabetes, but they are not always included. Read the label carefully. There are also specific herbal extracts and other supplements that, according to scientific studies, help control blood sugar levels and prevent complications that can accompany diabetes. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and if you are taking prescription medications, check with your pharmacist or the supplement manufacturer concerning possible interactions.

Ingredients to look for include:

Chromium Nicotinate Chromium is an element required by the human body to metabolize glucose. There has been some concern about possible health risks associated with the dietary supplement chromium picolinate. Current information indicates that chromium nicotinate is a safer form.

Biotin Also known as vitamin B-7, scientists believe that biotin may be involved in the production and release of insulin. Most studies have involved people with type 2 diabetes, who often have low levels of biotin. Studies suggest that this vitamin may improve blood sugar control.

Inositol A component of rice bran, the human body uses inositol to create molecules that transmit signals among the cells. Of most importance in diabetes is the role of inositol in helping the cells to identify insulin and use blood glucose for energy.

Alpha Lipoic Acid This supplement plays many roles in the human body. Alpha Lipoic Acid is suggested in diabetes because laboratory studies have shown that it increases cellular uptake of blood sugar.

Many plants and herbs have been used throughout history in countries where they grow wild for the treatment of diabetes. Modern day research supports the use of all of the following: banaba extract, bitter melon extract, black cumin extract, green tea extract, gymnema sylvestre extract and milk thistle extract.

Know Your Blood Sugar Level - 5 Best Reasons Why This Is So Important For A Diabetic

Are you a diabetic and do you check your blood sugar level regularly ? - Some people whom I have spoken to find it a hassle to do so, but is it really so difficult if it could SAVE YOUR LIFE ?

With the availability of the many forms of home blood glucose monitoring (HBGM) devices ( such as the Accucheck Glucometer )in the market today, it is very easy for a diabetic to perform their own test to make sure that their blood glucose level does not fall out of the "safe zone". This is essential so that you could take preventive measures before complications of various form sets in (such as those that affects the heart and kidney.) In additional to Blood Sugar Self Test, we recommend that all diabetics should monitor the food they eat and to check for any wounds, cuts or injuries that they might have no their feet and hands everyday to make sure that they are clean and free from infection.

There are over 21 million Americans suffering from diabetes and 54 million people in the United States having pre-diabetes (a condition in which blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not enough to be diagnosed as diabetes.) with some totally unaware that they have the disease. This really says enough of the stance that we should take to combat diabetes and the first step is to KNOW YOUR BLOOD SUGAR LEVEL so that you could Control it and not letting diabetes take control of you !

Below are 5 Top Reasons why Self-testing is important and how you could control the disease :

Know Your Levels :
Check your blood sugar level frequently. This will let you know how much insulin you will need in order to keep your blood sugar level as close to normal as possible. But How frequently should we test ? If your blood sugar levels are within a target range, you just need to test once before breakfast each day and occasionally at other times of the day. However for those who take insulin, you may need to check your blood sugar levels several times a day. The usual time to test your blood sugar level are : before bedtime, one to two hours after meals or a big snack, before you go through any Strenuous physical activity or exercise because this will lower your blood sugar and you may want to make sure that your blood sugar do not drop too low either. Managing diabetes is all about balance. This include keeping a balance on the food we eat, medication we take and the right amount of exercises to keep your blood sugar levels within the targeted range. This is important because our bodies can no longer do it for us. Regular self-monitoring of blood glucose levels gives us a gauge on where our blood sugar levels are right at the moment and provide us sufficient time to act before complication sets in.

Good Control Keeps Complications at Bay:
Complication sets in if your blood sugar level remains consistently high and you do nothing about it. This includes complications to the eyes, kidneys and numbness to the hands and feet. These areas of your body have very small blood vessels and nerves which damages easily with the excess sugar circulating in the blood. The longer the blood sugar is high, the more severe the damage. Tight control of blood glucose levels by performing your own self-test regularly will therefore prevent, delay and minimise the risk of diabetes-related complications.

Assess The Effectiveness Of Your Medications:
Keeping your Blood Sugar Level in checks will also allow you to see how effective your medication or insulin is in controlling your glucose levels. If your medication is not effective in maintaining your blood sugar within the right range, it needs to be adjusted. Frequent self-testing will help you and your doctor to make the right choice in prescribing the right amount of doses and medications more accurately.

Minimizes The possibilities of Life-threatening Emergencies:
High blood sugar (Hyperglycemia) can occur during stress or when taking medications that affect the blood sugar. Testing can help you keep better watch on blood sugar so you can take the appropriate steps before it gets too high. Low blood sugar (Hypoglycemia) can happen if your blood sugar level drops too low. Our advise is, if you exercise, test your blood sugar level before, during or after exercise to avoid a dangerous dip in blood sugar. Do take note too that drinking alcohol can also lower your blood sugar and thus, monitor your level closely if you drink. It is better to do more then to be sorry after that.

Help Your Heart, Save Your Kidney !
People diagnosed with diabetes has an increased risk of heart and kidney diseases. This occurs slowly over time while your blood sugar remains consistently high. Save your heart and kidney by keeping your blood sugar in control. You owe it to yourself to do this and you can still lead a healthy and meaningful life even if you have diabetes if you Control it well.