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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Recognizing Diabetic Symptoms

For most people the symptoms of diabetes do not seem very serious when they first experience them. In fact a great majority of diabetics go undiagnosed. There is an estimated 17 million diabetics in the United States alone and it is estimated that 5.9 million have yet to be diagnosed with this life threatening disease.

Many people may even express some sort of disbelief when they are diagnosed with diabetes. The diabetic symptoms can seem so minor that saying "I don't feel any different" or " I don't feel sick" is a pretty standard response for many people newly diagnosed. Because the symptoms can seem rather minor when they first start they can be attributed to other conditions or problems. Unfortunately diabetes is a serious disease and is the sixth leading cause of death by disease in the United States today.

According to the American Diabetes Association the most common symptoms of diabetes include:

• Frequent urination – Caused by high blood glucose which increases blood flow to the kidneys.

• Excessive thirst – Results from dehydration from the increased urinary output.

• Extreme hunger – Because glucose is unable to get into the body's cells from the lack of insulin the body suffers from an energy deficit, causing hunger.

• Unusual weight loss – Despite eating more the body actually loses weight as it breaks down proteins and fats to make up for the perceived energy deficit.

• Increased fatigue – Caused by the decrease in energy

• Irritability

• Blurry vision – Caused by the increased blood volume that causes a swelling of the lens of the eye.

It's easy to see why these symptoms may be mistaken for something other than diabetes. There are many day to day conditions that could cause some of these symptoms. For instance the stress of everyday life can lead to fatigue or irritability and as can depression which can also cause weight loss. Any number of minor illnesses such as colds or the flu can also cause diabetes like symptoms.

As the diabetes gets progressively worse so will these symptoms. Another thing to keep in mind is that unlike symptoms associated with an illness or other problems in life these will not go away. If your experience any of these symptoms and they do not go away it is important to schedule a doctors appointment and discuss your symptoms with a physician.

The sooner diabetes is diagnosed the sooner preventative treatment can be undertaken. This is important because the longer it is left untreated the more damage it can do to the body and its organ systems. While there is no cure for diabetes it can be successfully managed with positive lifestyle changes.

Diabetes and Exercise

Diabetes is generally found in overweight people. Diabetes and exercise are complementary, since exercise lowers sugar levels and reduces the need for insulin. Exercise also protects the body against heart attacks and strokes, strengthens bones, tones and strengthens muscles, improves how you feel, relieves stress, improves your quality of sleep, and the quality of your life. While you may think the list of benefits might be applicable to anyone, it is even more applicable to diabetes. Each of the benefits may require a reduction in medication. Lowering sugar levels and reducing the need for insulin can bring your sugar levels down enough that you may not need medication at all. By lowering your risk of heart attacks and strokes, you may also not need medication for cholesterol or high blood pressure, as your body will be fit and healthy.

Once you start losing weight, muscle and joint pain will go away, and exercising will become easier. It’s always difficult to start, especially if movement is uncomfortable. Walking as little as 30 minutes a day can have a positive effect. Walking for a few hours once or twice a week will not only cause pain because your body is not used to the exercise, but it doesn’t count toward regular diabetes and exercise routine. Swimming is a wonderful form of low or no impact exercise that is perfect for people who are not used to the exertion of walking or jogging. A half-hour in the pool, with some kicking or swimming, or even water aerobics, can be very beneficial. You may find that starting in the shallow end with some minor aerobics will be so enjoyable that you want to do more. Year-round swimming pools are no available at many health clubs or physical therapy centers, and health insurance may pay if it is for a diagnosed medical condition. It is worth investigating the possibility with your health insurance provider.

Once you are walking and exercising, you’ll be sleeping and thinking better. Colors will seem brighter, food will taste better, and you will probably find you are happier. Exercise releases many chemicals in your body that make you feel better, and feeling better about yourself will make you want to experience the change. You can control your diabetes and exercise your right to a happier, healthier life.

Natural Solutions For Living With Diabetes

Diabetes is a ever growing concern in todays world. It has had its largest impact in the in the western world as we become ever busier with time crunches, due dates and quotas to meet. During earlier years diabetes was not nearly as much of an issue. Many believe this is the result of many differences in society, for example having more physical jobs rather than desk jobs, lack of preservatives in food as opposed to food saturated in preservatives today, people also ate a much more balanced diet rather than eating fast food in a hurry. Many would agree that this major change in our society and the way we live pose the greatest threat for those dealing with diabeties or in danger of acquiring diabetes.

Another real danger in this world is the overwhelming amount of carbohydrates that we regularly consume. Now carbohydrates, also known as carbs are essential for energy production in the body with the help of insulin. There are good carbs and bad carbs as well. certain sugars can cause extreme irregularities in the blood sugar levels of the body and can literally take the body on blood sugar roller coaster. Todays foods that are most prevelent in today's fast paced world are full of these bad carbs as well as other elements that also contribute to poor health and blood sugar stability.

Another big contributer to the overwhelming cases of diabetes, especially in the western world is the lack of exercise. Today it is more and more common for people to have desk jobs, in which they sit in front of a computer eight to ten hours a day and go home and watch television for another three to four. This is another flaw that has been woven in to our diabetic society which most certainly plays a role in so many people who acquire this disease.

So what needs to be done? Many of the common diabetes symptoms seem almost common in todays world. We should be extremely mindful of what we eat such as organic foods that are non processed. A rich diet in whole foods and more importantly a well balanced diet, eating at regulated times of the day can significantly reduce the chances of getting diabetes and can lower the symptoms of those who already have this disease. Another important concept is to remember to get regular exercise, whether that means riding a bike or walking to work, getting a gym membership or doing any little thing possible to keep in motion can also reduce your chances of getting this horrible disease as well as reduce the common diabetes symptoms.

In short, what we put in is what we get out. Above anything, respect of your body will provide long lasting benefits as well as your mental outlook and help you in the fight against diabetes.


Diabetes is a very common disease today, characterized by the inability of body to utilize glucose for bodily functions. This happens due to either absence of insulin or its inability to utilize the glucose or sugar for cellular energy.

The glucose remains in the blood instead of being utilized by body cells and tissues. The accumulation of glucose on blood leads to cellular fatigue. On the long run, the high levels of sugar in blood causes damage to nerves, heart and eyes. If left untreated, diabetes can cause severe problems like heart diseases, blindness, impotence (in men) and several other problems.

There are two types of diabetes, Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes, also known as juvenile diabetes affects children. There will be total lack of insulin production by pancreas gland.

Type 2 diabetes is the common type. It can be due to either lack of insulin production in the body or the inability of insulin to bind glucose in cells.

Prevention of Diabetes
There are different tips that you can observe to prevent or at least effectively control diabetes.

Include lot of fruits in your daily diet. Also include green and red-orange vegetables and pulses. Minimize intake of fatty or salty food items. Items to avoid include ice cream, chocolate and pastries.

Lead an active life. Be physically active a lot of time. Regular exercise program help you maintain good health and guard against diabetes.

Diabetes Treatment in Ayurveda
The main herbs and medicines used in the treatment of diabetes are bitter melon (bitter gourd – Momordica charantia), Neem (Azadirachta Indica), Shilajit (Asphaltum), Triphala [a combination of three herbs viz. amalaki (Indian gooseberry, Emblica officinalis), vibhitaki (Belleric Myrobalan, terminalia belerica) and haritaki (chebulic myrobalan, Terminalia chebula)], turmeric (curcuma longa or curcuma domestica), etc.

These form the main ingredients for medicines used in Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes.

Ayurvedic cure for diabetes is not just about taking medicines. It is also about balancing your lifestyle in a healthy manner and having a healthy lifestyle.

Depression and Diabetes - A Bad Duo

Why does depression cause diabetes?

The diabetes disease can be brought on by depression. Cortisol, a stress hormone can increase if you get depressed. This hormone can reduce insulin sensitivity. Once insulin sensitivity is compromised the diabetes disease can begin to flourish in your body. This condition of depression is more prevalent in older people. Depression is often undiagnosed. Loss of a loved one may be characterized as grief, a temporary issue instead of depression.

In the four states of Pennsylvania, California, North Carolina and Maryland 4,681 men and women were tracked with an average age of 73. This test was done in 1989. The Archives of Internal Medicine disclosed the following: In these three scenarios (single bouts of depression, chronic depression and depression that worsened over time) an increased risk of diabetes existed in all three cases when depression prevailed.

What to look for

Some signs for possible depression problems can show up physically or emotionally. Check for some of these symptoms so you can put yourself on a healthier track for yourself. The sooner you recognize any of these issues the quicker you can right your ship.

You just don't care. Enjoying things is not on your priority list.
Your sleep schedule has run amok. You have a hard time falling asleep or you often arise during the night. You wake up early and cannot get back to sleep.
Your have a change in your appetite eating more or less than you used to. Quick weight gains or losses occur.
You feel tired most of the time.
Your self esteem has gone down hill. You feel like you cannot do anything right and you worry about being a burden to people.
Mornings usually are the saddest time of the day for you.
You find it very difficult to concentrate as "other thoughts" keep getting in your way. Nervousness, you always feel so anxious you can't sit still.
You have suicidal thoughts or you think about different ways to harm yourself.

Should you have any of these symptoms you can be hurting yourself mentally but you may compound the issue by bringing on type 2 diabetes as well. Let's break the combination of diabetes and depression by seeing a doctor or joining a support group so you can voice your issues and improve your condition.

Recognizing these issues is the first step to gaining a healthier lifestyle. If you have any concerns about diabetes or potential diabetes issues then claim your free ecourse. It will help you deal with diabetes in a safe and natural way.