Choose the Right Foods to Lower Your Blood Sugar Level
Diabetes is a condition that millions of people manage on a daily basis. People with diabetes must be mindful of the foods and beverages they consume. Whether or not you have had natural diabetes all of your life or have been recently diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, it is crucial that you engage in healthy food choices.
The majority of your food selections should be based on a whole foods approach. Whole foods are natural and organic foods. These foods are created with the highest standards and are tailored for people with conditions such as diabetes, gluten intolerance, and other conditions. Seek out whole food and organic supermarkets in your area.
What food choices should people with diabetes make to manage their diabetes glucose levels? First, think back to nature such as vegetables and fruits. Nature has provided a wealth of vegetables to keep your palate enticed. For example, have a spinach salad with broccoli and carrots at dinner.
To control your blood sugar levels you have to monitor your carbohydrate consumption. Breads and pastas can spike your blood sugar, but this can be minimized if you consume whole grain breads and pastas. These are easy to find at a whole foods organic market.
For your entrée keep the focus on fish, chicken and turkey. You can consume lean cuts of beef and pork in moderation. Make sure to remove the fatty skin and use healthy liquid oils, such as olive oil, when you cook foods. In addition, stick to non-fat dairy products. You can consume skim milk, non fat cheese, and non fat yogurt.
If you have diabetes you may feel that you have to miss out on the sweet taste of foods. This is not so. You can add cinnamon in moderation to foods to give them a sweet taste. Cinnamon may actually have a positive effect on your blood glucose levels, especially for people with Type 2 diabetes. Therefore, cinnamon is a great way to get the sweet fix you desire.
Another alternative natural sweetener is a herb called stevia. Stevia is 300 times sweeter than sugar and can be used as a natural sweetener to replace sugar. It is recommended to stay away from most artificial sweeteners – especially aspartame. Aspartame is a deadly toxin than does more harm to your body than good.
Lastly, don’t forget about what you drink! Beverages can be a roadblock to lowering blood sugar levels. Diabetes treatment should include drinking plenty of water and an occasional diet drink that has zero calories.
There are some foods that you should avoid like the plague. Avoid processed foods such as candy, chips, sodas, fruit punch, and cookies. These contain an excessive amount of sugar and carbohydrates that will have your blood glucose level soaring. Watch out for foods labeled as “sugar free” as well. This labeling is misleading and they can often raise your blood sugar levels as much as common sugar foods.
Remember that consuming healthy foods is not a free for all. If you eat too much of any type of food you will gain weight. Gaining weight is especially disastrous for people with diabetes. Stick to healthy portions and monitor your caloric intake.
Diabetics may have to spend more time analyzing what they eat and drink, but it is a manageable process. The number of whole food organic supermarkets is on the rise which is a major benefit for people with diabetes. Take advantage of their services to help you control your blood sugar levels and enjoy food at the same time.