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Friday, February 09, 2007

Thanks to Liraglutide, Insulin Secretion is Possible!

First things first, what is liraglutide? The answer: it is a treatment being developed by Novo Nordisk for those that have type 2 diabetes.

What liraglutide does is improve the ability of the beta cells in the pancreas to secrete the necessary insulin in those people that have type 2 diabetes. This fact is according to the American Diabetes Association at its 66th yearly meeting.

The liraglutide study

The results of the study were actually part of a trial that was conducted in a duration of fourteen weeks using random experimentation, controlled-placebo and double-blind. The experiment was able to explicitly show that liraglutide was able to increase the capacity of the beta cells in the body to secrete a maximum amount of insulin.

Also, it was found that the secretion of insulin increased during the first phase. This was not expected as the typical insulin response from type 2 diabetes patients is diminished.

In another trial that is relatively larger, it was shown that liraglutide was able to reduce the A1C levels. This A1C is the main gauge of an average person’s level of blood glucose in the past months or so.

It was also discovered that those participants that received the most liraglutide dose was able to lose more significant weight that those who were under a placebo by the trial’s end. The study lasted for fourteen weeks.

Why this is important

According to Sten Madsbad, M.D., DMSc who works at the Hvidovre Hospital at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark: Type 2 diabetes is so prevalent that it increases continuously. There is a need to develop novel therapies for such a condition.

Thanks to the study, liraglutide monotherapy was able to demonstrate its ability to improve the control of blood glucose minus the risk of minor or major hypoglycemia. Liraglutide monotherapy also helps lower body weight and improves the ability of the body in insulin production.

How is insulin produced

The beta cells in the pancreas are the ones responsible for the production of insulin. Insulin is a hormone that makes it possible to transfer glucose from the blood to the cells of the body. This then provides the body with energy thus preventing glucose from becoming lethally high.

For those who have type 2 diabetes, the production of insulin is not enough and the cells in their body are not sensitive to it. Although exercise, diet and losing weight may help maintain the levels of blood glucose, the functions of the beta cells eventually decline. This then requires therapy using OAD or oral anti-diabetic agents. These agents help boost the secretion of insulin as well as heighten the sensitivity of insulin.

When insulin becomes a problem

Insulin has the tendency to reduce the levels of blood glucose in the body causing hypoglycemia. With liraglutide, blood glucose is only lowered when it only becomes excessively high.

All in all, liraglutide helps people with type 2 diabetes to lead a less complicated life. It lowers the risk of hypoglycemia, improves the functions of beta cells, does not help anyone gain weight, and is administered once a day. Add to this your normal routine of exercise and a diet that is primarily composed of fruits and vegetables. All these help ensure a healthy lifestyle free from any complications brought about by diabetes.


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