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Monday, November 13, 2006

Inhaled Insulin; Breakthrough for Diabetes Patients

For the first time since insulin started being developed to treat diabetes 80 years ago, a new medical breakthrough in insulin administration will allow adult diabetics to deliver their insulin a very different way.

Exubera is rapid acting meal time insulin that was recently approved by the FDA. It comes is powdered form and can be inhaled through the mouth. Exubera will not completely replace insulin shots (some diabetics may still need shots of long acting insulin), but it will definitely take many of the hassles of taking several insulin shots on a daily basis away and help those with fear of needles keep their blood glucose levels under control with more convenience and ease of mind.

In deciding whether you should Exubera or not, you should consider the following factors: If you smoke or have recently quit smoking within the last six months, have lung disease, bronchitis, asthma or emphysema, you should not take Exubera. If you are under the age of 18, Exubera is not available for you, as more testing is being done on the effects of inhaled insulin in children.

Using Exubera

Exubera comes in powdered form. You insert a blister pack into an inhaler that releases the insulin and is inhaled through the mouth by taking a normal breath. The dose should be taken approximately 10 minutes before eating.

If Exubera is right for you and you decide to try it out, your healthcare provider will be able to fully train you on using the inhaler and delivering the insulin.

Side Effects

There are some side effects of this medicine that you should be aware of, and the most common is low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia. Other side effects include a decrease in lung capacity, a sore throat, cough, dry mouth, chest discomfort and ear pain. If you get these or other unusual side effects, contact your health care professional immediately.


Exubera is without a doubt a huge medical breakthrough in the development of insulin delivery and the overall success of diabetes management. Although this product is not for everyone and it does not completely replace insulin shots, it is definitely a step in the right direction that will help many diabetics control the blood glucose levels and live healthier, happier lives


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